We believe in love. It's as simple and as complicated as that.

We take the bible seriously, but not literally.
We understand that scripture is authoritative and normative for the Christian faith, but we also read scripture critically and contextually. We know that scripture is sometimes used to hurt and oppress people, but that it also has the power to heal and liberate us. We are not afraid to wrestle with texts, argue with their conclusions, and be transformed by the truths they contain.

We believe that we receive the gift of God’s love and grace through Christ at the communion table.
Because it is Christ’s table, everyone is welcome to receive the bread and wine, including infants and children. You will hear an explicit welcome every week before communion, making it clear that ALL people are welcome at the table. Gluten free bread and grape juice are available in addition to bread and wine.

We believe that, through the waters of baptism, we are claimed as beloved children of God and marked with the cross of Christ forever.
Our baptism is a tangible reminder of God’s love and forgiveness. Lutheran Christians practice infant baptism, as we believe that baptism is a sign of God’s faithfulness rather than our own. However, anyone who has not yet been baptized but desires to do so is welcome at the font.